Are you ready for the next level in social networking?

myBox is a new and unique world that offers map location ownership, discovery, communication, networking, promotion, interactive competitions, games, walls of fame... and so much more!

Make YOUR mark in the world, it's FREE. Get your Box NOW!

Connect, Share & Promote

Discover a world
Own locations
Create profiles
Connect & share
Enter competitions

It all starts when you...

myBox Feedback

We love to know what you think of this project. Submit your comments or suggestions here.

Sitemasters, USA says:

"I love your concept. A very original idea and great website. I hope it takes off. I can't imagine a better value for companies to do their advertising on it.....

I'm off to grab something for myself!!!! Good luck with it."

Interactive Competitions

The unique interactive myBox competitions will be starting soon!
Grab your FREE map location and get ready.

You need a map location to enter.
Read More

myBox For Businesses

myBox is the next level consumer inter active, geo-location product promotion.

Grab your FREE map locations. Create profiles. Connect and network.
Designed for one purpose - to get you noticed. Read More

Promote myBox and Score $50!

Tell a Company about myBox interactive B2C competitions, and you get $50 when they promote their business on them.

Great for them... and cool for YOU! How easy is that? Spill the beans ... sell the sizzle ... score the cash! Read More

Media News

myBox Sells The Sky Tower

This landmark is an example of virtual real-estate available on Read More

Famous locations still up for grabs on the people map

Grab them while they're still available. When they're gone, they're gone forever! Once you have your FREE location you can start connecting with others, and enter myBox competitions.

Engage... with everyone!

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