Plan Data Warehouses. Now.

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"All the WhereScape people understood exactly what we wanted to achieve."
Rosalie Nelson. Manager Group HR Services, ASB Bank
"All the WhereScape people understood exactly what we wanted to achieve."
Rosalie Nelson. Manager Group HR Services, ASB Bank
"All the WhereScape people understood exactly what we wanted to achieve."
Rosalie Nelson. Manager Group HR Services, ASB Bank

What the analysts say.

Barry Devlin on Wherescape 3D.

Barry Devlin is President and Founder of the Boulder Bl Brain Trust and Intelligent Solutions, Inc.

Claudia Imhoff on Wherescape 3D.

Claudia Imhoff is President and Founder of the Boulder Bl Brain Trust and Intelligent Solutions, Inc.

Read all about it.

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What the other folks say.

"WhereScape 3D has great potential to be the default DM tool for the BI market. I’m glad someone has addressed a DM tool for BI." Steve Dine, Datasource Consulting

"The output from WhereScape 3D is a complete documentation of the entire design! Astounding! So impressive..." Claudia Imhoff, Intelligent Solutions

"I like how WhereScape thinks about integration. Design point isn’t a collection of tech components, it’s one product focused on tasks." Mark Madsen, Third Nature

"WhereScape is a solid company with excellent strategy and products. I remain very impressed." Rick Sturm, Enterprise Management Associates

WhereScape RED can be used together with WhereScape 3D - our industry-leading IDE.

WhereScape 3D

On this page: Top, What the Analysts Say. Go to: Customers, Resources, Download, Demo.


With WhereScape 3D, designers and planners


Capture user stories, interviews and all other requirements artifacts as an integral part of the planning process, in a managed repository.

Capture the design rationale for the new environment, while the project team is in planning.

Auto-profile, explore and document any potential source system for a data warehousing project, including detailed examination of source data at the table and column levels.

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Design & Test

Design, populate and test any target data warehouse schema, whether normal form, dimensional or hybrid.

Perform a complete source-to-target mapping between profiled and documented source systems, and designed target schema.

Test planned schema, populated with data, for functionality and coverage, with end users, before building activities commence.

View, manipulate and associate conceptual and logical views of the proposed data warehouse or data mart.

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Use Cases

Source System Characterization

With WhereScape 3D, our customers can discover, explore, profile and document possible source systems for any data warehousing projects in hours, assessing source system fitness empirically and systematically, and producing complete documentation for project teams and source system operators.

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Source System Impact Assessment

When our customers are planning source system migrations that impact existing data warehouses and data marts, WhereScape 3D permits them to assess the impact of a change-over on existing BI infrastructure, using test instances, prior to go-live dates, and develop appropriate response plans: including data warehouse and data mart schema changes and enhancements, and new or revised ETL logic.

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Packaged Data Model Proofing

As the purchase and implementation of packaged enterprise data models becomes accepted practice, WhereScape 3D allows our customers considering such models to reality-test those models, as targets, in their operating environments, quickly and completely, and allows for the revision and enhancement of those models in the target environment where they will be implemented.

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Target Schema Testing

WhereScape 3D allows our customers to remove the single biggest technical project risk: the coverage and fit of the target schema, from the analytical user perspective. By encouraging the design and testing of target schema in quick, iterative cycles, WhereScape 3D ensures that target schema slated for implementation have been thoroughly reviewed, tested and approved by end-users before project build begins.

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