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Checking for available loans.
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Clearmatch's Privacy Policy explains how we collect, hold and use the personal and credit related information that you provide to us and that we collect about you from others. It also includes information about:
You can ask us to email a copy of our Privacy Policy to you.
I agree that Clearmatch Limited may provide my name, residential address and date of birth to Dun & Bradstreet, Veda or Experian to verify my identity. I understand that they will use my information and that of other individuals when verifying my identity. I understand that this will be recorded on my credit file.
NB: If you don't want us to verify your identity in this way, don’t check this box - we'll contact you to discuss alternatives. While it won't prevent us assessing your loan application, it could delay it.
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To get you the best rate we also need to get some basic financial information.
This is where you can expand upon the loan title and the loan short description. If you need to explain why you want the loan in a lot of detail then do so here. Remember, don't include any information that will identify you to any of the investors. They must make their decision to fund your loan or not based upon the information you give, not who you are.