Online Identification Verification
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How the process works
Clearmatch uses GreenID, a secure, privacy-compliant online service designed to identify our customers. We are required by the Australian Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Terrorism Financing legislation to identify all members on our platform.
1 Verification Choice
Select your choice of verification: online or through Australia Post.
2 Your Details
Provide us your personal information. This information is used to identify you in databases like the Sensis White Pages and the Australian Electoral Roll.
3 Identification Verification
To help us match you with your details held in other databases, we need you to provide us with specific information from a number of easy to access forms of identification. Select the options that are easiest for you and follow the instructions to complete.
4 Process Complete
Congratulations, you have completed your identity verification process. Now you have the peace of mind that all members of Clearmatch have also been identified this way.
To protect you and all our members we are required to verify everyone’s identity before you can start borrowing or investing. Only Australian residents over the age of 21 years can become members of Clearmatch.
How the process works