1. How To Use This Tool
This Urological Electronic Decision Support (EDS) aid is designed to assist General Practitioners assess, diagnose and manage common male urological conditions presenting to primary care. There is an initial focus on Prostate Health and especially Prostate Cancer. The tool may be used within a consultation with men who are largely asymptomatic and asking for a "warrant of fitness", or presenting with a genitourinary problem. You may complete the modules in one consultation, or, more likely use the "park" facility and conclude in subsequent appointments when laboratory or other investigations are available. In Version 2, links to other assessment tools will be available, especially CVD.
This EDS is not a clinical guideline exactly, nor a prescriptive care pathway where the practitioner follows a flow chart; if A then B, for example. The Decision Support is based on current best practice (see expert advisory group) and appears when the cursor hovers over a "?". The tool assembles and records data, presents suggestions and advice, yet the GP must (as always) make the decisions, in this case, whether to investigate or refer to secondary care. At any time more complete text, tables, diagrams and/or links will present if either a library topic is clicked on your left, or a "request for info" button is clicked on a module page. The EDS menu modules are shown as a tool bar above.
An important feature is the recording of encrypted clinical data stored in a secure database that can be accessed for retrospective and prospective male health research. It is anticipated that the tool will be used widely in primary care and provide data rich opportunities for valuable NZ investigations.
2. Patient Overview
3. Patient Consent ??
It is important to have a record that consent has been granted.
Please tick BOTH boxes in order to proceed. The Library is accessible at all times.Patient Management System User
Provider: Dr Sam Entwistle (#A88984-3)
Date: 14 Feb 2013 -
4. Previous Consults
Case No Status Date Pages MT00001 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing est vestibulum vivarus.Completed 01/11/2012 MT00002 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing est vestibulum vivarus.Completed 02/11/2012 MT00003 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing est vestibulum vivarus.Parked 03/11/2012 -
5. Data Security and Privacy
Text to be added
6. Expert Advisory Group
Text to be added
7. Essential Further Reading
Diagnosis and Management of Prostate Cancer in New Zealand men, Recommendations from the Prostate Cancer Taskforce
WPHO/CCL is grateful to the Ministry of Health, Prostate Cancer Taskforce for making their reports available, we urge you to read these, you will note that we have included text and recommendations throughout the decision aid. Please consult the full report for references.
Prostate cancer in primary care - Dr John Tuckey [link to be added!]
We are grateful to Mr John Tuckey, Urologist, and NZ Doctor for permission utilise text, tables and diagrams: NZ Doctor 13th March 2013.
We are grateful for funding and support from the Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ (PCFNZ) that has made development the EDS tool possible.
We are grateful to for the expert advice and assistance provided by EAG.
Document Library
- What's New?
- How to use MATES Urology
- Obtaining Patient Consent
- Clinical
- Laboratory Tests
- Understanding Prostate Cancer
- A general discussion about prostate cancer in NZ
- At what age should men be tested for possible prostate cancer?
- At what other ages should a PSA/DRE be preformed?
- Differential diagnosis of raised PSA
- Interpreting Digital Rectal Examination (DRE)
- Risk of Prostate Cancer if raised PSA or + Family History
- Role of Imaging
- Prostatic cancer incidence
- When to Refer to Urology?
- The Gleason Grading System
- The Decision top Proceed to Biopsy
- Prostate Cancer Taskforce Curative Treatments
- Important Roles for General Practice
- Metastatic Prostate Cancer
- Prostaitis and Other UTI
- Benign Prostatic Hyperthropy
- Lower UT Symptoms