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#124365 Review company incorporation ABC
You’ve applied for this on Tuesday 2 May 2018 and the application is under review.
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#137322 Updating registration details for company ABC Company Ltd
You’ve updated the address details and the shareholder details for the new company ABC Company Ltd on Monday 1 May 2018.
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#137321 Registration of new company ABC Company Ltd
You’ve registered a new company ABC Company Ltd on Wednesday 24 April 2018. Complete the details before you can submit the company for review.
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#124366 Review company incorporation DEF
You’ve applied for this on Tuesday 2 May 2018 and the application is under review.
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#137327 Updating registration details for company DEF Company Ltd
You’ve updated the address details and the shareholder details for the new company DEF Company Ltd on Monday 1 May 2018.
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#137326 Registration of new company DEF Company Ltd
You’ve registered a new company DEF Company Ltd on Wednesday 24 April 2018. Complete the details before you can submit the company for review.
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File annual return
Now it’s the time to file your annual return. You have until 12/12/2018 to complete this.