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This application will approximately take 20 - 30 minutes to complete. You can save the progress at any time so you don't have to complete everything in one session. To make your application as easy as possible, you will need to have the following:

  • Proposed company name and details
  • Personal details for all directors and shareholders
  • A valid credit card to pay the fee for this registration at the end of the process

The registration fee is $200.00

Are you registering a local or an overseas company?

A local company is based and income tax will be paid in New Zealand. You will need a New Zealand residential and/or postal address.

Do you have a paper form with your company details?

Select yes if you or your client has previously registered this company in paper form.

Are you registering your own company?
How many directors does this company have?

Total amount of directors for this company.

How many shareholders does this company have?

Total amount of shareholders for this company.

How many shares have been created?

Total amount of shares for this company.

Do you have a paper form with your company details?

Select yes if you have or your client has previously registered this company in paper form.