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ITOMIC CRM for Industry Training Organisations (ITOs)

Built on top of Microsoft Dynamics 4.0, OA Systems have developed ITOMIC, a CRM specifically for the needs of Industry Training Organisations. Like all good products designed for a specific audience, we've developed ITOMIC in collaboration with its users. So if you're looking for a CRM specifically for an Industry Training Organisation, you need ITOMIC.

ITOMIC includes bespoke functions for trainee management, Business Intelligence and Office integration. We've developed a data warehouse solution called ITOMIC Intelligence and a web portal called ITOMIC web portal. And because good software should be constantly improved, we've formed a user group of ITOs who use ITOMIC. Together, they collaborate to understand the system better, provide feedback for new functionality and share tips and tricks.

Benefits of ITOMIC CRM for Industry Training Organisations

  • Information accessible at the touch of a button to everyone in the organisation
  • Easier recruitment and retention of trainees with centrally stored data that is regularly refreshed
  • Automate repetitive tasks such as data cleansing and management
  • Ensure trainee information is data protected
  • Easily track results of marketing efforts to trainees
  • Improve relationships with existing trainee base via fast, cheap electronic communications and more targeted messaging
  • Easily launch communications to new, targeted audiences
  • Quickly segment data without IT support for internal reporting or analysis
  • Different permission and access levels to different people for better data protection
  • Can be easily integrated with existing technology such as accounting systems
  • Instantly identify specific issues crucial to the organisation, e.g. overdue tasks or finances
  • In one place, view the entire interaction and communications history on a trainee
  • Easily customise the system to fit specific needs of your organisation
The ITOMIC Structure
Contact Contact OA Systems today to get ITOMIC CRM