
Frequently Asked Questions

Should I buy HDX or FDX RFID Tags?

HDX and FDX are two different types of RFID tags. Both types are available so it is important that you purchase a RFID Reader that can read both types - i.e. Dual Reader. Some Readers can only read HDX and this will limit you to having to exclusively use HDX tags which tend to be more expensive.

Can another make of Tagger be used to apply Zee Tags?

Zee Tags tags need to be applied with the Zee Tags Tagger.

Which tags are best for my herd?

In most countries there are mandartory tagging schemes operating which will specify the tags that all animals must carry. Most dairy farmers will also tag with a management tag which gives the animal its number within the herd. As one animal leaves the herd (dies or is culled) the number is reassigned to another animal entering the herd.

The Zee Tags one piece or two piece designs are popular as management tags. There are 8 colours to choose from and these can be printed with either Duramark® or LaserBlack.

What's RFID?

This stands for Radio Frequency Identification and is also refered to as Electronic ID. RFID eartags carry a unique electronic identification number and allows animals to be electronically recognised and data stored automatically about each animal.

Zee Tags staff are experts in how to integrate RFID onto farm to speed up operations and increase the integrity of data used for making management decisions. Contact us now.

What can I print on management tags?

Logo's or farm names above numbers, year codes. This is very much up to your own requirements.
Orders for New Zealand can be made here.

How long do Zee Tags last for?

Zee Tags will last the life time of the animal.

Does the black tagger apply the Econo Direct to Slaughter?

No, the Econo Direct to Slaughter Tags need to be applied with the Zee Tags two piece tagger.

Which tags are best for deer?

Because Deer tend to get very muddy the best tags are either one or two piece tags printed with Duramark. Duramark printing has a clear protective layer which mud and dirt just slide off.

What is the best type of tag for my sheep?

Zee Tags Bright Tags and Brass tags are popular options for sheep and goats. Zee Tags also have a Strip tag which can be used in sheep. The one piece medium tag is also a good size to use in sheep. The Strip tag would require the Zee Tags two piece tagger. With the Strip tag you can choose between tamperproof and non tamperproof with an option of 8 different colours.

Does the Primary tag go in the left ear or right ear?

Either ear is acceptable as long as the Primary tag is in one ear and the Secondary is in the other ear.

What colour tags do I have to use?

The female primary tag (with the barcode) must always be yellow. The primary male, female secondary and male secondary can be your choice of eleven other colours.NAIT approved RFID tags for cattle must be white.

What is the cheapest Animal Health Board Tag combination?

A female medium with a male button for the primary combination and for the secondary female button with a male button. You also have the option of a brass tag for the secondary tag.

What are the minimum printing requirements on Official Tags?

The Female primary must have the AHB or AgriQuality logo, the herd number, the barcode and an animal number. The year code is optional. The male primary tag can be blank.

The female secondary tag must have the AHB or Agriquality logo and the herd number, the animal number is optional. The secondary male can be blank.

LIC tags must have Participant code, barcode and an animal number.

What is the best size for the Female Primary Tag?

A Female medium with button on the back. For the secondary a female X large with a male large. This gives you the option of having a large number on the secondary tag without the barcode over riding other information.

How soon can I get my tags?

Orders default to a weeks lead in time. However orders generally get turned around in 2 to 3 days and are prioritized accordingly.