$2 Trillion market by 2020
1% single service fee

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Invoice Financing Marketplace

The Alt-Fi market in Australia is now the second largest in APAC, with 53% growth in the last 12 months. Invoice Financing is one of the fastest growing new asset classes, already accounting for over 7% of the entire Alt-Fi market in the region. Clearmatch's Invoice Financing Marketplace is the robust, secure and transparent way to access this growing asset class.

The Clearmatch
Invoice Financing Fund No.1

Invoice financing helps businesses improve their cash flow and working capital to reinvest in operations and growth, by advancing payment on a significant portion of the invoiced amount (Invoice) by the Invoice Financier earlier than the payment terms on which the business (Invoice Seller) sold the good or service to their client.

  • Available to Wholesale clients in Australia
  • Alternative Fixed Income Asset Class targeting after fees returns of between 5-8% by investing in Invoice Loan Notes.
  • Management Fee of 1% per annum (inclusive of GST)
  • Minimum Investment: $50,000
  • Significant Investor: $5 Million or more

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Our Borrowers

Some of Australia's most innovative alt-fi and traditional finance companies rely on the stability, power, and transparency of the Clearmatch platform to power their businesses. Our single instance, multi tenant platform means all our borrowers benefit from regular feature set improvements, and can access an ever-growing marketplace in either single, or multiple asset classes.

  • SocietyOne
  • Grapple
  • Attvest
  • Insurabond

Clearmatch is adding emerging, high quality, fixed income asset classes to its world class marketplace platform. Invest in single, or multiple asset classes, while maintaining live, single view reporting across all your investments.