$142000000 Marketplace
89.4% Insurers Rated A- or greater
0.75% single management fee

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Premium Funding Marketplace

Premium Funding allows businesses to effectively spread their insurance costs over monthly installments. As an Investor in the Clearmatch Premium Funding Marketplace, you'll be among the first to have access to over A$269M in originations, returning 6%p.a. on average*. And as with all Clearmatch asset classes, your risk profile is minimised in our fully fractionalised marketplace, effectively negating the need to fully fund any one borrower.

* Return dependent on investor mandate, and relevant risk factors.

The Clearmatch
Premium Funding Trust No.1

Premium funding provides business the opportunity to enter into a loan agreement allowing it to purchase their business related Insurance from the Insurer up front for a better negotiated fee. The business repays this loan over a 10-12 month period through regular instalment payments which enable it to effectively manage their cash flow and working capital requirements.

  • Available to Wholesale clients in Australia
  • Alternative Fixed Income Asset Class targeting after fees returns of between 4-4.5 % by investing in Premium Loan Notes.
  • Management Fee of 0.75% per annum (inclusive of GST)
  • Minimum Investment: $50,000
  • Significant Investor: $5 Million or more

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Our Borrowers

Some of Australia's most innovative alt-fi and traditional finance companies rely on the stability, power, and transparency of the Clearmatch platform to power their businesses. Our single instance, multi tenant platform means all our borrowers benefit from regular feature set improvements, and can access an ever-growing marketplace in either single, or multiple asset classes.

  • SocietyOne
  • Grapple
  • Attvest
  • Insurabond

Clearmatch is adding emerging, high quality, fixed income asset classes to its world class marketplace platform. Invest in single, or multiple asset classes, while maintaining live, single view reporting across all your investments.