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Account No. 85747
Start Date 08/10/13
Available Balance
Interest Accrued $76.78
Rate 1.50%
Balance $72,547.91
Available Balance $57,760.01
Filter Transactions
Value Date |
Type |
Amount |
Balance |
Uncleared |
Available |
Narrative |
27-05-2015 |
Transfer Credit |
$22.88 |
$72.219.20 |
$0.00 |
$57.411.86 |
Transferred $22.88 from investment account 85923 on 28/05/2015 |
27-05-2015 |
Transfer Credit |
$22.88 |
$72.219.20 |
$0.00 |
$57.411.86 |
Transferred $22.88 from investment account 85923 on 28/05/2015 |
27-05-2015 |
Transfer Credit |
$22.88 |
$72.219.20 |
$0.00 |
$57.411.86 |
Transferred $22.88 from investment account 85923 on 28/05/2015 |
26-05-2015 |
Transfer Credit |
$22.88 |
$72.219.20 |
$0.00 |
$57.411.86 |
Transferred $22.88 from investment account 85923 on 28/05/2015 |
26-05-2015 |
Transfer Credit |
$22.88 |
$72.219.20 |
$0.00 |
$57.411.86 |
Transferred $22.88 from investment account 85923 on 28/05/2015 |
26-05-2015 |
Transfer Credit |
$22.88 |
$72.219.20 |
$0.00 |
$57.411.86 |
Transferred $22.88 from investment account 85923 on 28/05/2015 |
25-05-2015 |
Transfer Credit |
$22.88 |
$72.219.20 |
$0.00 |
$57.411.86 |
Transferred $22.88 from investment account 85923 on 28/05/2015 |
25-05-2015 |
Transfer Credit |
$22.88 |
$72.219.20 |
$0.00 |
$57.411.86 |
Transferred $22.88 from investment account 85923 on 28/05/2015 |
25-05-2015 |
Transfer Credit |
$22.88 |
$72.219.20 |
$0.00 |
$57.411.86 |
Transferred $22.88 from investment account 85923 on 28/05/2015 |
11-05-2015 - The funds that we received from you are now cleared. You can now begin investing.
11-05-2015 - The funds that we received from you are now cleared. You can now begin investing.
11-05-2015 - The funds that we received from you are now cleared. You can now begin investing.
11-05-2015 - The funds that we received from you are now cleared. You can now begin investing.
11-05-2015 - The funds that we received from you are now cleared. You can now begin investing.