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Make a Decision on Offer

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Bank Account Details

Please supply details of the bank account you would like loan funds paid into


  • Name John Smith
  • Address 2 Barron St DEAKIN Australian Capital Territory 2600
  • Reference A123456


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eget condimentum neque. Donec sit amet pulvinar felis, at fringilla eros. Quisque varius nisl vel rhoncus pretium.

Financial Details

  • Disclosure Date 06/02/2017
  • Amount $5,345
  • Term 12 months
  • Annual Interest Rate 12.95%
  • Default Rate 13.56%
  • Total Interest Payable $1,265.32
  • Total Amount Payable $13,256.02
  • First Repayment Date 06/02/2017
  • Repayment Frequency Weekly
  • Number of Repayments 48
  • Fees and Charges $400
  • Purpose of Loan Holiday


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eget condimentum neque. Donec sit amet pulvinar felis, at fringilla eros. Quisque varius nisl vel rhoncus pretium.


  • Dishonour Fee $25 per dishonour
  • Late Payment Fee $35


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eget condimentum neque. Donec sit amet pulvinar felis, at fringilla eros. Quisque varius nisl vel rhoncus pretium.


  • Before you sign

    Read this contract document so that you know exactly what contract you are entering into and what you will have to do under the contract.

    You should also read the information statement: "Things you should know about your proposed credit contract".

    Fill in or cross out any blank spaces

    Get a copy of this contract document.

    Do not sign this contract document if there is anything you do not understand.

  • Things you must know

    Once you sign this contract document, you will be bound by it. However, you may end the contract before you obtain credit, or a card or other means is used to obtain goods or services for which credit is to be provided under the contract, by telling the credit provider in writing, but you will still be liable for any fees or charges already incurred.

    You do not have to take out consumer credit insurance unless you want to. However, if this contract document says so, you must take out insurance over any mortgaged property that is used as security, such as a house or a car.

    If you take out insurance, the credit provider can not insist on any particular insurance company.

    If this contract document says so, the the credit provider can vary the annual percentage rate (the interest rate), the repayments and the fees and charges and can add new fees and charges without your consent.

    If this contract document says so, the credit provider can charge a fee if you pay out your contract early.

  1. I have read and understand the Loan Offer and the Terms and Conditions (including the information statement and the pre-contract disclosures in this Loan Offer).
  2. I accept the Finance Agreement Offer and agree to be bound by the Credit Contract constituted by the Finance Agreement Offer and the Terms & Conditions. I understand that by clicking "I accept" I will be taken to have signed the Finance Agreement Offer and drawn down on the finance agreement.