Try them
EasiYo yogurt is a wonderful low-fat alternative to milk, cream, sour cream, cream cheese and mayonnaise in all your favourite recipes. It is a way to indulge in creamy satisfying food without going overboard on unwanted kilojoules.
Always use a NEW EasiYo sachet to ensure all the lactic cultures are present in your yogurt every time.
If any Whey (clear liquid) forms in your yogurt, just stir it back in. Whey is extremely nutritious and can be drained from the yogurt and included in soups or drinks. It is high in vitamin B12.
Read more about the Cooking and Serving Basics of EasiYo.
Dips & Spreads Quick and easy party pleasers -
Dressings & Sauces Low fat extras to your favourites -
Summertime Salads Fresh, crisp and healthy -
Light Meals Light, tasty and truly delicious -
Main Courses Satisfying, wholesome and delicious -
Vegetable Extras Vegetable side dishes that will steal the show -
Sweet Treats Delicious desserts (not) to diet for -
Cakes & Bakes Just like Mother used to make -
Frostings & Fillings They're the icing on (and inside!) the cake -
Refreshing Drinks Any time is a good time to tantalize your tastebuds -
Yogurt Ice Cream Flavours for every tastebud -
Customer's Recipes Recipes supplied by EasiYo Users
EasiYo Cooking and Serving Basics
Recipes just the way you like them
EasiYo yogurt is a wonderful low-fat alternative to milk, cream, sour cream, cream cheese and mayonnaise in most of your favourite recipes. It is a great way to indulge in creamy satisfying food without going overboard on unwanted kilojoules.
Most of the EasiYo recipes use EasiYo Natural Yogurt, but if you want a lower fat option - you can use EasiYo Skimmers or Reduced Fat Yogurt. But if you fancy something a bit thicker or creamier, use EasiYo Greek Yogurt instead.
Whey is nutritious and good for you
If any Whey (clear liquid) forms in your yogurt, just stir it back in. Whey is extremely nutritious and can be drained from the yogurt and included in soups or drinks. It is high in vitamin B12, which is good for you.

EasiYo Yogurt Made To Taste
Mild - For a milder taste, chill freshly-made EasiYo yogurt as soon as it sets (ie: in approximately 6 hours).
Tangy - For a more tangy taste, incubate longer ie: 8-10 hours or overnight.
Swiss Style - For a more creamy consistency, stir your EasiYo yogurt rapidly.
Sweetened - All Plain EasiYo yogurts can be sweetened to taste using 2-4 tablespoons of either sugar, the equivalent artificial sweetener or honey. (Some EASIYO flavoured sachets are already sweetened.)
Flavoured - You can add any flavouring you like to create a variety of interesting tastes e.g. vanilla, maple syrup, essences or fruit juice. Flavour to taste after the yogurt has set and chilled, to keep the cultures viable longer. To firm yogurt after flavouring is added refrigerate yogurt for 2-3 hours more.
Fruit Toppings - Use fresh, canned or frozen fruit - sliced, chopped or puréed, or flavour with EasiYo Real Fruit Squirt toppings. Just remember to add these only after yogurt has chilled thoroughly in the refrigerator so the yogurt is nice and firm.
Cooking With Yogurt
Extended cooking will cause yogurt to curdle - Stabilisers such as egg white, flour, cornflour or arrowroot will prevent this from occurring.
If required cooking time for a recipe is less than one minute, use cornflour. If greater than one minute, use flour. For dishes requiring reheating, such as souffles, use flour.
In a heavy saucepan whisk the yogurt vigorously until a liquid consistency. Add either 1 tablespoon cornflour (or arrowroot) or 2 tablespoons flour (mixed to a paste with a little water) or 1 egg white slightly beaten, to 1Kg of EasiYo yogurt. Stir thoroughly with a wooden spoon.
Bring to the boil slowly over a medium heat, stirring constantly in one direction only. (A traditional Middle Eastern technique to discourage separation).
Reduce heat to very low and simmer uncovered for approximately 10 minutes or until thick and creamy. Cool.
Cover and refrigerate until needed. Yogurt can now be used in cooking without danger of curdling. Stabilised yogurt will keep in the refrigerator for up to a week. Now add to your favourite recipe.

Yogurt Cheese
Yogurt cheese is formed by draining the yogurt to draw off the whey. In the Middle East this white cheese is extremely popular as an appetiser or breakfast dish garnished with olive oil, alone or in combination with spices and herbs such as paprika, mint, dill, chives, or mustard seeds.
Yogurt cheese is a versatile and healthy substitute for cream cheese and cottage cheese.
To drain the whey from your yogurt, place the contents of a 1Kg jar of EasiYo yogurt in a sieve lined with several layers of damp cheesecloth or a clean damp chuxcloth. Set the sieve over a bowl to catch the whey. Once drained to the required consistency remove to dish and cover. Refrigerated, this cheese will keep up to a week.
Serves 2 Cups
The dips and fillings that can be made are limited only by the bounds of culinary imagination. Try seasoning with salt, fresh herbs and spices, onions, garlic, nuts or whatever suits your taste. Try serving Middle Eastern style, salted and formed into balls. Store in olive oil. Whipped with sugar to taste and a little whipped cream, it makes a luxurious dessert topping. Yogurt cheese is also delicious served with melon, grapes or other fruit in season.
- Replacement for mayonnaise or sour cream: drain for 2 hours.
- To make a nutritious dip: drain for 4-5 hours.
- To make a yogurt cheese: drain for 8-10 hours.