EasiYo Product Range

Yogurt Hardware

The EasiYo Yogurt Maker is available on its own, in a variety of colours, or as a Gift Pack or Starter Pack.

EasiYo Yogurt Makers


EasiYo is a wonderful alternative to use in all your favourite recipes to replace milk, cream, etc.

EasiYo Cookbooks

Standard Yogurt

The EasiYo Standard Yogurt is a range of wholemilk yogurts in a variety of popular flavours.

EasiYo Standard Yogurt

Specialty Yogurt

A range of premium yogurts including Mediterranean style Greek plus a smooth, rich custard flavour.

EasiYo Specialty Yogurt

Bio-Life Yogurt

Yogurts containing Probiotic cultures in abundance give the full benefits for your health.

EasiYo Bio-Life Yogurt

Low Fat Yogurt

A range of low fat yogurts that contain less than 2g of fat per 200g serve. A great alternative!

EasiYo Low Fat Yogurt

Drinking Yogurt

A selection of tasty drinking yogurts that provide a delicious way to get your daily probiotic yogurt boost.

EasiYo Drinking Yogurt

Fruit Squirt Toppings

Eat your yogurt just the way you like it with your favourite EasiYo Real Fruit Topping concentrates.

EasiYo Fruit Squirt Toppings

Ice Cream

Great tasting ice cream mixes to create your own delicious and creamy ice creams less than 3% fat.

EasiYo Ice Cream

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Did You Know?

Most yogurt in the USA has pectin or gelatin added...

Fruit jam is used instead of raw fruit pieces in the fruit yogurts (despite what is in television commercials) so that they can be stored for weeks without mildew!

More Cool Facts!

What People Say

Maggie Rees

What People Say About EasiYo One of the things I will miss about New Zealand is my daily, fresh and healthy EasiYo yogurt every morning for breakfast... or so I thought!

Whilst visiting some new friends that we have made recently here in England, my husband and I were AMAZED that they served the barbecue food with lashing of... you guessed it EASIYO!

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