What People Say About EasiYo

EasiYo are very fortunate to have such loyal customers.

Every day we receive letters from around the world from customers enjoying their favourite yogurt, in such diverse places as the 'Outback' of Australia, the Rocky Mountains of Colorado to the deserts of Namibia in Africa!

We've received some fascinating letters, which we absolutely LOVE reading!They are very motivating and encouraging to all the staff.

Our customer letters will give you an insight how EasiYo is made, used, and enjoyed around the world.

View a few, or view all stories

Click on the name to read their full story.
Megan Rees

"One of the things I will miss about New Zealand is my daily, fresh and healthy EasiYo yogurt every morning for breakfast..."

Megan Rees, London, UK

Michelle Meades

"I have been using your yogurt for many years now and love it, as do my children..."

Michelle Meades, Riverhead, Auckland, NZ

"I offer my guests Easiyo Greek yogurt for their breakfast. It is a HUGE hit...."

Ruth Buss, The Green House on the Hill, Napier, NZ

"We appreciate the simplicity of the Easiyo maker, and have even taken it when we've gone on holiday..."

Cathy Rogers, Mangaweka, NZ

Our Customers are Our Business!

If YOU have a story you want to share about EasiYo - drop us a line!

It's particularly good if we receive photographs and/or videos from you, enjoying your EasiYo!

If you have made a video of your favourite EasiYo moment, you can send it to our Customer Service Department.

You can send your story and photo to us using this easy form below.

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Did You Know?

That generally a culture includes two or more different bacteria for more complete fermentation, most commonly Streptococcus salivarius and thermophilus, and Lactobacillus genus members, such as L. acidophilus, bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casei and bifidus.

More Cool Facts!

The EasiYo Product Range

The EasiYo Product Range

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