EasiYo Recipes

EasiYo yogurt is a wonderful low-fat alternative to milk, cream, sour cream, cream cheese and mayonnaise in all your favourite recipes. It is a way to indulge in creamy satisfying food without going overboard on unwanted kilojoules.

Always use a NEW EasiYo sachet to ensure all the lactic cultures are present in your yogurt every time.

If any Whey (clear liquid) forms in your yogurt, just stir it back in. Whey is extremely nutritious and can be drained from the yogurt and included in soups or drinks. It is high in vitamin B12.

Read more about the Cooking and Serving Basics of EasiYo

Recipe Categories

Dips / Spreads

Quick, easy and delightful to savour

Dips and Spreads


Low fat alternatives to your recipes



Low fat alternatives to your recipes



Fresh, crisp and healthy


Light Meals

Appetising soups and snacks

Light Meals

Meat Dishes

Beef, lamb, pork and chicken dishes

Main Meat Dishes

Fish / Vegetarian Dishes

Delicious fish and vegetarian dishes

Fish and Vegetarian Courses

Vegetable Extras

Side dishes for the vegetable lovers

Vegetable Extras

Sweet Treats

Delicious desserts to diet for!

Sweet Treats

Cakes and Bakes

Just like mother used to make

Cakes and Bakes

Frostings and Fillings

It's just the icing on the cake!

Frostings and Fillings

Refreshing Drinks

Tangy on the tastebuds!

Refreshing Drinks

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Recipe of the Week

Creamy Pumpkin Soup

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If you have a favourite EASIYO recipe that you would like to share, send it to us and the best selected will be added to our website! Click here

Did You Know?

Most yogurt in the USA has pectin or gelatin added...

Fruit jam is used instead of raw fruit pieces in the fruit yogurts (despite what is in television commercials) so that they can be stored for weeks without mildew!

More Cool Facts!

What People Say

Maggie Rees

What People Say About EasiYo One of the things I will miss about New Zealand is my daily, fresh and healthy EasiYo yogurt every morning for breakfast... or so I thought!

Whilst visiting some new friends that we have made recently here in England, my husband and I were AMAZED that they served the barbecue food with lashing of... you guessed it EASIYO!

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