Standard Yogurt Natural


It is a full-cream, plain yogurt that is ideal for growing children, active energetic people and the elderly, who all require good sources of absorbable calcium, protein and all the trace elements found in milk fat.

All Natural

No Preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilisers or other artificial ingredients. Non GM (genetically modified), Wheat & Gluten Free, Halal Certified, Low GI (Glycemic index).


Just sweeten to your taste with 2-4 tbsp sugar, honey (melted), icing sugar, sugar-substitute or with your favourite EASIYO Real Fruit Squirt.


Pasteurised whole & skim milk solids*(98%) from free range cows, live lactic cultures (l.bulgaricus, s.thermophilus, l.acidophilus).

*contains natural lecithin derived from soybean

Click here for Nutritional explanation (Flash.swf 60kb)

Standard Yogurt Natural

General Information

  • Plain Unsweetened
  • Real Yogurt Base & Culture 140g e
  • Makes a full litre of yogurt

Nutritional Information

  • Approx. servings per sachet: 5
  • Serving Size: 200 g
Average quantity per 200 g 100 g
Energy 566 kJ/135 kcal 283 kJ/68 kcal
Protein 7.6 g 3.8 g
Carbohydrate total 10.9 g 5.5 g
Carbohydrate of which sugars 10.9 g 5.5 g
Fat total 7.2 g 3.6 g
Fat of which saturated 5.1 g 2.6 g
Fibre 0 g 0 g
Sodium 0.067 g 0.033 g
Calcium (34% of RDI*) 272 mg 136 mg
* Recommended Daily Intake based on an average adult diet requirement of 800 mg Calcium
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