Start or continue your health career journey. There are programmes to support you from secondary school to tertiary study, to securing employment or taking on a new challenge as a Pacific health professional.

Secondary Programmes
Working in the health sector you can be improving someone’s quality of life, keeping them safe or saving their life, all while giving back to your community. In some cases you can even earn while you learn.
Pacific Health Science Academy
A career in health can take you anywhere and it starts with the Pacific Health Science Academies. Read more
Tertiary Programmes
Help is available to prepare you to transition from secondary school to relevant tertiary study and into employment with our support network of mentors, programmes, events and resources.
W&AT! Tertiary Mentoring Programme
Being in tertiary study can be daunting. Programme W&AT! stands for Working and Achieving Together, and will help you transition from secondary school into tertiary study... Read more
"Seeing our people in hospital gives you a reason to go into health."
Workforce Programmes
Give back to your community, advance your career or take on a new challenge, there are opportunities for you to get involved as a Pacific health professional working at Counties Manukau Health.
Workforce Development
If you're a Pacific health professional working with Counties Manukau Health, then the Pacific Workforce Development Programme can provide a range of opportunities for you. Read more
Our Strategy and Values
Counties Manukau Health's shared vision is to work in partnership with its communities to improve the health status of all, with particular emphasis on Maori and Pacific peoples and other communities with health disparities.