W&AT! Tertiary Mentoring Programme


Being in tertiary study can be daunting. Programme W&AT! stands for Working and Achieving Together, and will help you transition from secondary school into tertiary study, connect you with support and expose you to health professions while you learn that can lead on to health jobs when you graduate.

1 Get Started

University can sometimes be difficult to get your head around, especially when you're just starting out. If you're in Year 13 at high school or studying your first semester of university, Programme W&AT! gives you extra support where you need it. The key thing is to hang in there, even if you feel like you’re struggling. Reach out for help to get started with university.

2 Get Qualified

We work closely with the Pacific Liaison Teams within universities to connect you with the right support and into the health workforce. Everyone is different and Programme W&AT! is committed to supporting you to reach your highest potential. For example we can connect you with a mentor or careers advisor or help you access extra pastoral or academic support.

3 Get Employed

When you're in your last year of study, it's important to start thinking about getting a job after graduation. Programme W&AT! will help you be more competitive when you go through the recruitment process so that you stand out from the crowd, nail your interview and secure a great job in health.

Support Available

You can access a range of support to help you develop your university skills and grow your network. We will help you with:

  • Workshops and information sessions
  • A forum to meet other students
  • Accessing your Pacific Liaison Officer/Team
  • Connecting you with the right departments in your university to change papers or access academic tutoring
  • Accessing alternative services through our community network if needed such as financial support or health and social services
  • Helping you to secure a work placement
  • Accessing workplace pastoral care while you're on placement to support your cultural connections, assist you with linking theory to clinical practice and support you to meet professional competencies
  • Accessing mentoring

TIPS: Sticking With Study

If you're feeling overwhelmed or that you can't keep up with your coursework, the key thing is to hang in there...

View Tips

TIPS: Writing an assignment

Learning to write academically at tertiary level can be a bit of an adjustment from the writing you did at high school...

View Tips

Our Strategy and Values

Counties Manukau Health's shared vision is to work in partnership with its communities to improve the health status of all, with particular emphasis on Maori and Pacific peoples and other communities with health disparities.

Our main contributors

General enquiries 0800 12345678

Email us on enquiries@phh.co.nz

Supporting Pacific into health

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