W&AT! Tertiary Mentoring Programme

Workshops / Information Sessions

While you're studying you can attend a range of workshops and information sessions to help you develop your skills, access the right support, stick with study and make the most of employment opportunities.


Nursing State Exam Prep Sessions 2016

Pacific nursing students attended our 2016 nursing state exam preparation sessions. These were facilitated and supported by all three DHBs – Waitemata DHB, Auckland DHB and Counties Manukau Health. Of the 30 Pacific nursing students attending, 73% passed their state exam and of those 77% had secured fulltime employment less than two months later.

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Support is important, so we run events to engage your aiga, family and community to help you through your study. Bring your mum, your dad, aunty, grandparent … whoever will help you take positive steps towards your tertiary studies in health.

Events are advertised on our events page and promoted via social media. Sessions include:

  1. Getting started / getting qualified:

  2. Getting Employed sessions:

    • CV and cover letter writing that address the competencies outlined in a potential job description
    • Making great first impressions, corporate standards and organisational values
    • Interview preparation, interview techniques, live demonstrations and role play opportunities
    • Building self-confidence and self-awareness
    • Emotional and cultural intelligence
    • Assessment centre models specific to each DHB recruitment process
    • Providing insight into DHB recruitment processes and requirements

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Our Strategy and Values

Counties Manukau Health's shared vision is to work in partnership with its communities to improve the health status of all, with particular emphasis on Maori and Pacific peoples and other communities with health disparities.

Our main contributors

General enquiries 0800 12345678

Email us on enquiries@phh.co.nz

Supporting Pacific into health

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