Dole NZ

Language Food Journal

Lesson Ideas

Language Arts, Food Journal

Activity Type

Language Arts Activity




Nationally, only a small percentage of children are eating the recommended number of servings of fruit per day. By keeping a record of fruits and vegetables they eat or drink, students can assess their eating habits, and will be able to compare their results. The students will record the fruits and vegetables they eat or drink in a week's time, look at their own average, and compare their results to others in their class.


Journal entry sheets: "Fruits and Vegetables Eaten Yesterday"


Ask the kids if they remember what they had to eat or drink yesterday. Have them think about fruits and vegetables that were part of their meals and snacks yesterday.

Individual Activity

Have each student fill in the student activity sheets - "Fruits and Vegetables Eaten Yesterday". Using the journal entries, the following activities could be conducted:

  • Have the students compare the number of fruits and vegetables eaten by various members of the class.
  • Have the students compare their results to the goal of 5+ A Day.
  • Have your students make a display for the school classroom wall about 5+ A Day.
  • Have students perform this record keeping activity for five days and find their own daily average.

Student Activity Sheet

Fruits and Vegetables Eaten Yesterday

How many servings of fruits and vegetables did you eat yesterday? One serving is:

  • 1 piece of fruit
  • 180mls of 100% fruit juice
  • 1/2 cup of cooked vegetable
  • 1 cup of leafy greens like lettuce
  • 1/4 cup dried fruit

List the fruits and vegetables you ate with breakfast. Don't forget the juices you drank.

List the fruits and vegetables you ate with lunch. Don't forget the juices you drank.

List the fruits and vegetables you ate with dinner. Don't forget the juices you drank.

List the fruits and vegetables you ate as a snack. Don't forget the juices you drank.

Now, add up all your fruits and vegetables!

Students' Reactions

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