Buy EasiYo Standard Yogurt

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Buy Standard Yogurt Products

Standard Yogurt Natural

Standard Yogurt Natural

Carton of 12 sachets NZD $42.48
Standard Yogurt Banana

Standard Yogurt Banana

Carton of 10 sachets NZD $38.80
Standard Yogurt Boysenberry

Standard Yogurt Boysenberry

Carton of 10 sachets NZD $38.80
Standard Yogurt Caramel

Standard Yogurt Caramel

Carton of 10 sachets NZD $38.80
Standard Yogurt Mango

Standard Yogurt Mango

Carton of 10 sachets NZD $38.80
Standard Yogurt Peach

Standard Yogurt Peach

Carton of 10 sachets NZD $38.80
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Product Information | Standard Yogurt

EasiYo Standard Yogurt

The EasiYo STANDARD YOGURT RANGE include unsweetened wholemilk plain sachets and a variety of sweetened wholemilk flavoured sachets. One to suit every taste!

As well as being delicious, all the products in the Standard Range provide a source of calcium and protein, contain no artificial colours or preservatives, are gluten free and have billions of live cultures, including acidophilus, in every spoonful.

Perfect for growing children and the elderly.

Other Standard Yogurt Flavours

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What People Say

Maggie Rees

What People Say About EasiYo One of the things I will miss about New Zealand is my daily, fresh and healthy EasiYo yogurt every morning for breakfast... or so I thought!

Whilst visiting some new friends that we have made recently here in England, my husband and I were AMAZED that they served the barbecue food with lashing of... you guessed it EASIYO!

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