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Trades Training

Bridging education and industry

About the Academy

Education, Empowerment, Employment

Oceania Career Academy (OCA) was set up in 2014 to establish New Zealand’s first Pacific-owned and led Private Training Establishment (PTE) for Trades. It builds on the Trades at School (TAS) Programme offered in schools since 2009.

OCA is working to achieve more young Pacific people in higher paid employment. We deliver NZQA Levels 1 and 2 Building and Construction and Mechanical Engineering Apprenticeship Training for Pacific youths with a student-focused, career-focused and industry-driven programme.

Using education as a vehicle, we develop youth through employment skills training, bridging students from secondary school into skilled industry employment and higher education.

Through TAS we have a proven track record acting as a "connector" between students and families, from schools and tertiary institutions through to employers providing skilled, well paid work.

Re-engaging our disengaged Pacific youth

The gap in Pasifika and Maori achievement at school, transitioning from school to skilled employment and / or tertiary study is significant and characterised in many cases by disengagement. Disengaged youth lead to a reduced proportion leaving school with NCEA Level 2 or Level 3 University Entrance standard.

Getting our young people on a path towards education and employment unlocks:

  • Improved financial success, both for individuals and their families
  • Better health outcomes as families are equipped to support themselves
  • A stronger community, with prouder families working together
  • A better educated community, able to pass knowledge down to the next generation

"The Trades at School Programme has been successful in delivering results since 2009. Our approach is different to others in that we provide what industry is demanding."

  • 93% of those who completed Trades and School have achieved NCEA Level 2. This compares to 67.8% of Pasifika students who achieved NCEA by the end of Year 13
  • 96% percent of those who have completed Trades at School achieved the National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering (Level 2)
  • 90% of Trades at School graduates are in employment, a number with apprenticeships, or are continuing with their study at Level 3 and above


  • Anthony Tu'itahi

    General Manager

    Anthony has been involved with Oceania Career Academy since its inception in 2014, originally seconded from The Fono where he was Senior Business Development Manager since November 2010. Anthony joined the Oceania Career Academy full time as GM in 2015, and was instrumental in the establishment of OCA as a Private Training Establishment. Anthony leads the operational arm of OCA, with responsibilities including liaising with OCA's Board and Management Team, strategic planning and implementation, overseeing financial management, relationships with industry and tertiary institutions, contract and business development, marketing, legal compliance, policy and human resources at OCA. Anthony has a background in business development and contract management, having previously worked in both the Not-for-Profit and private sectors.  Anthony holds a Master of Business Administration from Massey University.

  • John Kotoisuva

    Founder of Trades at Schools / Chief Executive

    John is the founder of the Trades at Schools Programme and Chief Executive of OCA. He has had a long and extensive career in education and is an industry advisor and Pacific advisor to Manukau Institute of Technology, a training advisor to Steel Construction New Zealand and a youth guarantee advisor to the Ministry of Education. Working in the education system earlier in his career, John began to notice a high level of disengaged Pacific youth, and has been determined to do something to change their future, founding Trades at School in 2009. Of Fijian descent, John is Vice Chairperson of The Fono, President of the Auckland Fijian Executive Community Board and Chair of the Auckland Mayors Pacific Natural Disaster Fund.

  • Meleane Tonga

    Office Manager

    Meleane is our office manager.

A big thank you to our supporters

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